Monday, May 25, 2009

Flora | Taltree Arboretum & Gardens, Valparaiso Indiana

My Photostream

*Classification table for plant life at Taltree Arboretum & Gardens, Valparaiso Indiana. (will continually add to the list)

Flora | Taltree Arboretum & Gardens, Valparaiso Indiana

©David Tribby [All rights reserved]
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*version 1.1

1. White Pine
2. Nootka Falsecypress
3. Summersweet Clethra
4. Crested Iris
5. Wolf's Lilac
6. Daylily Hybrid
7. Hosta
8. Kalimeris
9. Ostrich Fern
10. Smooth sumac
11. KoreanTasselfern
12. Boxwood Hybrid
13. Peking Lilac
14. American Elder
15. Canadian Hemlock
16. Japanese Maple
17. Korean Spruce
18. Virginia Pine
19. Red Buckeye
20. Japanese Hornbeam
21. Witchhazel Hybrid
22. Bethlehem Sage
23. Chinese Witchhazel
24. Mountain Holly
25. Fiveleaf Aralia
26. Japanese Plum Yew
27. Seven Son Flower
28. Eastern Redbud
29. Flowering Dogwood
30. Celandine Poppy
31. Korean Pine
32. Canadian Hemlock II
33. Sweet Woodruff
34. Virginia Pine (II)
35. Pearlbush
36. Wayfaring Tree
37. Hamilton's Spindle Tree
38. Kalm's St. Johnswort
39. Yellowwood
40. Dwarf Goat's Beard
41. Spring Cinquefoil
42. Fragrant Abelia
43. Chinese Abelia
44. Narrow-Spiked Ligularia
45. Doublefile Viburnum
46. Sawara Cypress
47. Sawara Falsecypress
48. White Cypress
49. Blackhaw Viburnum
50. Graham's Willow
51. Linden Viburnum
52. Korean Spice Viburnum
53. Nannyberry Viburnum
54. Eastern White Pine
55. Mugo Pine
56. Swiss Stone Pine
57. Creeping Lilyturf
58. Smooth Hydrangea
59. Amur Cherry
60. Fragrant Viburnum
61. Evergreen candyturf
62. Ornamental Chives
63. Jenny's Stonecrop
64. Common Yarrow
65. Bigleaf Hydrangea
66. Yarrow Hybrid
67. Dwarf Oriental Spruce
68. Dwarf Fothergilla
69. Eastern redbud
70. Japanese White Spiraea
71. American Cranberrybush
72. Weigela
73. Northern Bayberry
74. Orange Stonecrop
75. Crane's Bill Hybrid
76. Redoiser Dogwood
77. Spicebush
78. Brunnera Macrophylla "Jack Frost"
79. Avens
80. Shrubby St. Johnswort
81. Arkansas amsonia
82. Cranberry Cotoneaster
83. Purple moor grass
84. Threadleaf Coreopsis
85. Cheddar Pinks
86. Spike Gayfeather
87. Switch grass
88. Moss phlox
89. Little Bluestem
90. Iris 'Caesar's Brother'
91. Potentilla
92. Gaura
93. Gold Birch
94. Gazania
95. Gazania
96. Verbena
97. Zinnia
98. Japanese forest grass
99. Blue Star
100. Clematis 'The President'
101. Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal'
102. Bloody Cranesbill

David Tribby Photography on Flickr

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